[RUS] Я очень долго создавал этот меме, и НАКОНЕЦ-ТО У МЕНЯ ПОЛУЧИЛОСЬ, ХА-ХА
Для тех, кто не знает о событиях, происходящих в анимации, я расскажу вам более подробно:
Есть два персонажа из моего проекта (TLCA), которые упоминаются в его сюжете
Черного кота зовут Райнер, а его спутницу, с которой он танцует в меме, - Ханна.
Они оба являются супругами друг для друга, но их любви не суждено было прожить долго. В их жизнь вмешалась другая кошка, которая когда-то была напарником Райнера и которую он предал. Имя этой бывшей напарницы - Ханако, и она наемная убийца родом из Сиании.
В юности, когда Райнер занимался темными делами и не вступил в гильдию, он часто работал с ней в паре. В конце концов, когда он присоединился к светлой стороне, то он успешно предал ее.
Она была ошеломлена этим и поклялась отомстить тому за такое предательство, что у неё и вышло. Благодаря магии крови и воды она смогла украсть их лица и посеять между ними смятение, из-за чего Ханна ушла от Райнера к другой кошке, а сам Райнер из-за сильной ревности благополучно убил свою бывшую жену.
Вот так оно и есть, в ближайшее время я постараюсь начать развивать свой проект дальше, чтобы из него начал формироваться хоть какой-то фэндом
[ENG] I’ve been doing this meme for a very long time, and I FINALLY DID IT HAHA
For those who do not know about the events taking place in animation, I will tell you in more detail:
There are two characters from my project (TLCA) who are mentioned in its plot
The black cat is Rainer, and his companion with whom he dances in the meme is Hannah.
They are both spouses to each other, but their love was not destined to live long. Another cat intervened in their lives, which was once Rainer’s partner, and which he betrayed. The name of this former partner is Hanako, and she is an assassin originally from Seania.
In his youth, when Rainer was engaged in dark affairs and did not join the guild, he often worked with her in pairs. In the end, when he joined the light side, he successfully betrayed it.
She was stunned by this and vowed to avenge such a betrayal, which she did. Thanks to the magic of blood and water, she was able to steal their faces and sow confusion between them, which is why Hannah left Rainer for another cat, and Rainer himself, due to strong jealousy, safely killed his ex-wife.
That’s how it is, in the near future I will try to start developing my project further so that it begins to form at least some kind of fandom
Original MEME:
My VK -
My TW -
My Toyhouse -
TAGS (to attract attention): animation, animated, animated short film, cgi, cgmeetup, cg meetup, 3d, short animated films, short film, short animation, 3d animation, kids, 3d animated short film, cgi movies, animated short films, animated shorts, cgi animation, cgi animated short film, anime, compilation, animations short films, nutshellanimations, funny, pixar short films, short films, 2d animation, short film cartoon, cgi short film, animation short film, tiktok, animationmeme, nutshellstudios, cartoon, short film animation, alan becker, shorts, jaidenanimations, animator vs animation, animation vs minecraft, service dog, art, animations, guide dog, animator, comedy, incredibles, film, jaiden, jaidenanimation, pixar, short films animation, pseacer man, camera man, titan, titan speakerman, speakerman, camouflage skibidi toilet, cameraman, gender swap, g-man, tv woman, skibidi bop yes yes yes, skibidi toilet meme, skibidi toilet vs cameramen, airbender, waterbender, firebender, brawl stars rank, battle of wall nut, bending, swap, skibidi toilet all episodes, fash, skibidi toilet anime, gender, skibidi toilet animation, gender swap (skibidi toilet animation), epoch meme, cult of the lamb animation, old meme animation, award winning, 3d animated shorts, cult of the lamb, paper su animation, animated short, pour 585, meme animation, paper su, animated short films award winning, animation short films, don’t croak short, skibidi toilet, skibidi, gender swap skibidi toilet, don’t croak short film, don’t croak animated short film, computer animation, computer-generated imagery, visual effects, don’t croak, plants vs zombies, pvz 2, sleepy, class, 2d, aromantic, asexual, short, flash, alan becker avm shorts, mind games, mind games animated short film, mind games short film, aro, ace, animator vs minecraft, flipaclip, animator vs animation 5, what if, animator vs animation 6, drawing, jaiden animation lgbtq, aroace, aromantic asexual, jaidenanimations gay, jaiden animation not straight, alan becker minecraft, alan becker animator vs animation, theresasnakeinmyboots, water, alanbeckertheman, animator vs. animation, cat and moth, snarkyfarky, ilikethecheese, patrick smith, pvz fun gameplay, pvz fun gameplay t1, plants vs zombies 2, cat and moth animated short film
5 months ago 00:00:55 1
Everyone doing aegyo normally. Then there’s Jay… ENHYPEN