Test animation: Uh... Momiji Inubashiri plays a flute or something

This video was “unlisted“ for a day, as it was only part of an experiment, but I will lift the unlisted status so that more people will be able to see it. In advance, I’m sorry if I cannot get back to viewers comments any time soon. As mentioned in the original description below, I’m going to be busy, probably for the next couple of weeks. Original description: Finally got some time off from work and decided to do some testing. I got my hands on some “new toys“ a while back and testing several things: Testing TVPaint Animation Pro. file export conversions, as well getting a feel of the tools and functionality. - Some conversions were quite harsh on sound and picture quality... Testing Youtube’s uploading functions and settings. (it’s years since last I uploaded anything) so I’m quite blank. Testing Marcel’s Flute Shop, “Sopranino Recorder“ in Propellerhead Reason, used very simple to play a few notes of Momiji’s
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