How to Live a Free and Happy Life Despite The Worst of Hurdles and Challenges with David Alston

David Alston was born Edward Bright, he was adopted at 7 months only to discover as an adult that he was not adopted but abducted by his adopted mother. David has always known that he was adopted and struggled with his identity. Who was his mother and who was he? Upon discovering his biological family, David discovered that his biological grandmother and Harriet Tubman were first cousins. This discovery gave new life and meaning to his life and explained his drive and determination to lead people from sorrow and pain and inspire them that anything is possible. David has spoken to individuals and he has spoken to groups of thousands. David is determined to use his wisdom, experiences and his voice to free others from bondage and lead them to freedom and purpose. David Alston has over thirty-five years of experience as an educator, motivational speaker and public figure. David is the 3rd cousin of Harriet Tubman. He has dedicated his life to helping others to live a free and better life. David is the host o
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