Unbox and Test M5Stack Unit Cam WiFi Camera DIY Kit

Unbox and Test M5Stack Unit Cam WiFi Camera DIY Kit. I have had this Unit Cam from M5Stack sitting on the bench for some time now. Then I just received this Unit Cam WiFi Camera DIY Kit. I want to see if I can make these Unit Cams work with this M5Stack ESP32 Core IoT Development Kit. First we have to prepare the Core to program in UIFlow. When we add ther Unit Cam in UIFlow, we see Unit Cam only offers B or C port connections. I soldered some male dupont jumpers onto this grove to pin adapter. The connections from left to right are TX, RX, 5 volt, and ground. Lets connect the TX jumper to GPIO 16 on the core. Connect the RX pin to GPIO 17 on the core. The 5 volt and ground jumpers plug in here. Letโ€™s write a simple demo program in UIFlow. This is cool. The unit cam is sending images over UART or serial to the Core. This gives me some ideas. Leave a comment below if you can guess what I am thinking. Hereโ€™s a Hint watch some of my other m5stack videos. Learn More: M5Stack is a phenomenal collection of ESP32 ba
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