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Park Han Gill: The future value of Atomy business
Park Han Gill:
The future value of Atomy business,
the number of Atomy members is only 15 million, the world population is 5 billion, Atomy is only at the beginning, there are those who feel it is too late to run an Atomy business, Atomy’s future is still wide open, you can be the center of hyperconnectivity by becoming an Atomy member, you can get 100 thousand US dollars per month at Atomy,
The Key in Atomy Business, Sell Products to Yoursellf, you don’t need to sell products to other people, sell product to yourself is easy, sell Atomy products to yourself, sell products to other people is difficult,
Atomy offers APP as a solution to future economic problems,
The APP is an Atomy Personal Platform that provides an opportunity for everyone to have an Atomy platform and be free from poverty or get out of the shackles of precariat
Atomy Opens a New Path to “On-Tact“ Business
A Business Free From Time and Space Limit Draws Attention
Atomy, an international direct sales company, is testing a new “On-Tact“ (virtual contact) business model. The model suggests an opportunity to survive the distancing era, drawing the industry’s attention.
Atomy will go further from establishing online live shows to adopting virtual reality technologies, such as augmented and extended realities. This way, it aims to help its members walk toward success by sharing more positive and powerful influence mutually on this virtual platform, like a science fiction film, than in big event venues like Kintex in Seoul.
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