Extra - Investiture Preparations (1969)

Title reads: “Extra!“ Preparation for investiture of Prince Charles (Prince of Wales) at Carnarvon (Caernarfon), Wales. Colour item. Various shots Prince of Wales’ investiture cloak on a mannequin: it is velvet, ermine and bejewelled, very opulent looking. L/S Carnarvon Castle. Various shots interior courtyard of castle showing rows of seats and platform being built for investiture. Various shots of men clearing rain water off plastic covering over seats. M/S Lord Snowdon (Anthony Armstrong-Jones) amongst the seats. Various shots large coats of arms lying on ground. Various shots of Lord Snowdon giving instructions to group of men. The men hoist large Welsh dragon banners and the coats of arms up so they are hanging from the castle walls. M/S Lord Snowdon talking to craftsmen. Various shots craftsmen doing finishing touches to chairs and platform. Various shots film and television equipment arriving at castle and being stacked in front of platform. More shots Snowdon supervising. Mor
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