Piped Coal To Boost Output (1951)

Newton Spinney. GV. Newton Spinney Colliery. Nearer view, colliery. GV. Open cast mining in progress. SV. Scoop picking up open cast coal. SV. Truck carrying officials, including Mr Alfred Robens, to site of drilling. SV. Towards, officials on truck. Mr Alfred Robens, Socialist Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fuel and Power and Chairman of the Coal Board, among the officials. GV. Drilling derrick for vertical bore. SV. Drilling derrick. SV. Man operating drill. CU. Drill getting into ground. LV. & SV. Drilling horizontal hole. CU. Diagram. Pointer points to horizontal bore which moves up towards vertical bore and moves along pipes to station for the temporary piping, gas then travels to the factories. SV. Men preparing thermite bomb down vertical bore. CU. Men lowering thermite bomb, & LV. CU. Man sealing pipe on sample point. SV. People watching. MV. Mr Robens pressing detonator to ignite thermite incendiary bomb. CU. Diagram showing the process of turning coal into gas and transporting it th
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