Clifford Brown - You Go to My Head (1954).

“Best Coast Jazz“ is an album by American jazz trumpeter Clifford Brown featuring tracks recorded in 1954 and released on the EmArcy label. Further tracks from the same sessions were released as Clifford Brown All Stars in 1956 following Brown’s untimely death. ___________________________________________ stayed away from drugs and was not fond of alcohol. Rollins, who was recovering from heroin addiction, said that “Clifford was a profound influence on my personal life. He showed me that it was possible to live a good, clean life and still be a good jazz musician.“ “l’m sorry I never got to know him better. Not that it necessarily follows that one who plays that beautifully is also a marvelous person, but I think one can discern in Clifford Brown’s case that the particular kind of extraordinary playing was linked to an equally special human being. You only would have had to hear Max Roach, Art Farmer, Sonny Rollins, or Gigi Gryce talk about him to substant
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