Maurice Gibb Tribute 2003 - 2012

La Pagina A todos Nos Gusta por lo menos una cancion de los Bee Gees , nos unimos en tributo a nuestro querido Maurice Gibb , quien dejo este mundo el dia 12 de Enero del Año 2003 , Hoy A Manana A 10 Años de su partida le rendimos un pequeño homenaje para recordarlo por este medio, esperando que todos nuestros amigos Bee Gees Fans nos acompañen en este tributo a su memoria .. gracias Abrazos Gibbs Our Page Everyone likes at least one song by the Bee Gees, we are Remembering our beloved Maurice Gibb, who left this world on the January 12th of the Year 2003, today to tomorrow it will be complete 10 years of his departure, we pay a tribute to remember him by this way, hoping that all our friends Bee Gees Fans join us in this homage to his memory .. thanks. Gibbs Hugs
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