Earthquakemonitoring Worldmap

Live monitoring of earthquakes 24/7 - worldwide. We offer live-data from seismic stations as well as earthquake-updates around the world. READ BEFORE WATCH: ❗ We are not volcanologists, geologists or scientists. ❗ Use only officially verified sources for reliable reporting and ❗ information exchange. The data and information shown here is largely provisional and does not serve as an official statement of an authority. For official statements, please visit the competent authority. The data provided here may not be used for public affairs. We endeavor to give as much detail as possible, however, we reserve the right to be wrong. How does this map works? CHAT RULES: - be respectful to each other - no sexually explicit or discriminatory material - no excessive caps, subs/ads/cussing/bad or foul language. - no religious or political talks. - protect your private information - Keep the conversation theme-based: volcanoes, earthquakes, weather. - No doomsdaytalk, predictions. if something is your own opinion use IMO (in my opinion) to show it. - Chat only in english - Keep the facts! School classes or children could watch. Despite all efforts to keep the chat clean and to prevent false information, it may happen that we miss something. In this case, please report this to a moderator. We will handle this case as soon as possible. MEDIA SOURCES: - A free and Open Source software to visualize seismic data from the AVO/USGS. - USGS () - IRIS () - GFZ () - ORFEUS () - Alaska Volcano Observatory AVO () We don’t own these cameras or any rights to it, all credits and rights belong the the owner. (except our Agung camera) We’re using this content under the Fair-Use conditions. If you own one of these cameras and don’t want it to be shown please contact us (team _at_ )! This stream is for entertainment. You have an interesting camera view or your own video which you would provide us with? Get in contact with us! SOCIAL: Discord: Facebook: Twitter: SUPPORT: We dont make any benefit out of this stream, if you like us feel free to give us a tip: Please visit: thank you! INFO: Reading spectrograms: - - Seismic Waves: - Magnitude scales: - - Earthquake-Info / Offical agencies: - USGS: - EMSC: - BMKG: - GEONET: - JMA: - TSUNAMI-ALERTS: - More: CONTACT US: team _at_
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