I decided to cram absolutely all of my Sonic Prime animations into one video.
This video contains such animations as
0:04 - Best Friends
1:04 - Knuckles Flashback
2:04 - Advance Flashback Scene
3:30 - Outro
There are also three voiceovers: English, Japanese and Russian.
Russian voice-over by Flarrow Films
Sonic (Sonic 3-Style, Expanded)
Knuckles the Echidna
Some of Knuckles’ sprites were taken from here.
Other custom sprites by NoahNCopeland
Sonic [Advance]
Tails [Advance]
Eggman [Advance]
Sunset Hill [
Nine, Tails, Sonic and “Tails bullies“ by KostyaGame674
Scrap Brain
Emerald Hill
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