First Of Great Agricultural Shows (1925)

Item title reads - First of great agricultural shows. Record entries of finest cattle at Dublin Spring Show. Ireland. L/S of huge bulls at the show, men lead them around a field. Various shots as people watch from the side. C/U profile of one bull. C/U of its face with a rosette pinned to its nose. M/S of the cows stood with their owners. C/U of a big black bull held by a stick and ring through its nose, it has a rosette on each horn. Various shots of one of the cows. L/S of the bulls and cows being led along in a line. M/S of them all lined up by the General Enclosure. M/S of more lined up. Intertitle - ’The British Press Party visit the show.’ L/S of members of the press all lined up, the camera pans slowly across them. Intertitle - ’Mr Hogan - Minister for Agriculture - interested in a prizewinner.’ M/S of Mr Hogan talking to a man holding a cow. Intertitle - ’The champion bull of the show.’ M/S of bulls led around a field. M/S of them lined up. Note: the cuts run from 01
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