Artillerymen of the East group of forces have reduced the reload time of MLRS by half during the execution of tasks in the Sou

Artillerymen of the “East“ group of forces have reduced the reload time of MLRS by half during the execution of tasks in the South Donetsk direction The crews of the transport and loading vehicles of the Uragan multiple launch rocket systems of the artillery units of the Vostok group of forces have reduced the time for loading rockets onto launchers by half compared to the standards. Thus, the artillerymen not only increased the intensity of strikes on identified enemy targets, but also significantly reduced the risk of coming under enemy counter-battery fire. The transport and loading vehicle is one of the main units of ground equipment that is part of a modern and highly effective missile system. The transport is equipped with a crane, a tray with a rammer, cargo trolleys, docking devices, electrical equipment and an alignment mechanism and can carry up to 16 missiles. Loading can be done without special preparation, in any place. The mass of each rocket charge is 280 kg. Uragans ... Source: Military Wave
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