Heritage Singers / “Song Of Glory“ (live/studio)

From Heritage Singers DVD “Live, In Concert From Prague“ with cuts edited in from the actual studio sessions. “Song of Glory“ is from the CD “Be Free“ Singers: Val Mace-Mapa, Melody Davis, Shani Diehl, Becki Trueblood-Craig, Dave Bell, Tim Davis, Marc Judd, Scott Reed and Max Mace. With Adriane Mace, Tim Calhoun and Dave Bell (live). Heritage Band: Nino Ocampo on bass, Dani Stromback on keys, Christian Cummings on Drums and Art Mapa on guitars. Studio Musicians: Steve Brewster on drums, Dave Cleveland and Art Mapa on guitars, Mark Hill on bass and Jason Webb on keys. Strings, orchestral samples arranged and programmed by Art Mapa
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