~【Booo!から2周年】sweets parade 踊ってみた【ふるあ】 - Niconico Video sm38982960

“Love love combo ♪ From the day when two people posted a swivel of a swroo, someday, I was self-sufficient self-sufficiency, and I was intimate to dancing on the same screen! Congratulations on your second anniversary from Booo! ! I hope two people are good friends from now on! ! ○ .. _______________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ 〇 ▫️ 振 本 本 家: い ぽ h ▫️ Reference videos: @ Tatey-sama https://youtu/agjt93i2y90 Nemany: https: // ▫️ Costumes Note: @ @ 豆 × な h ▫️ Help: Human ▫️ People dancing: Fleans ⛑ み ちゃ □ @ Shizuki-chan □
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