8. Intercity Safety Watch 1992

Don’t let the rather grandiose title of this video dupe you into thinking that anyone of a corporate nature had a hand in its production. The availability of home video cameras with primitive editing functions meant by 1993, many innovative managers were taking the brave step into making their own briefings. This homespun attempt arrises from two Western Region managers who so far have only been tentatively ID’d as ’something to do with retail control’. The video starts with one of the authors introducing the programme in a scene that could just as easily be footage of a hostage victim dictating his captors demands. Instead, he promises us safety items, HST procedures, facts and figures, and retail news. First off is that with there no longer being any mail worth stealing from them, power car sliding doors are to be kept locked. After a fleeting glimpse of some rogue footage of a power car off the platform, we head to Bristol Temple Meads to be told that as of now
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