Just mix tofu with vegetables and your sausages is ready! No Meat! The best vegan sausages recipe!

​ @HomemadeVeganIreneYong 《植物性香肠|Plant Based Sausages》 只需将豆腐和蔬菜混合,煮一煮煎一煎,香嫩可口又有口感的素香肠就准备好了!不会像面筋通常那样坚韧和有弹性。健康、简单且富含营养! Just mix tofu and vegetables, boil it and fry it, the tender, delicious and textured vegan sausage is ready!Not as tough and elastic as seitan is usually. Healthy, easy and nutritious! 食材: 蘑菇 100克、洋葱 100克、豆腐 200克、卷心菜 100克、 
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