ROYAL: King and Queen visit Montreal (1939)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Largest city in the Dominion gives tumultuous welcome to Their Majesties on second stage of Canadian tour. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Montreal Acclaims King and Queen MONTREAL, CANADA: Semi view pan down Notre Dame Cathedral. Gen. top view car thru’ crowded streets at Notre Dame. Semi view pan royal car & motor-cycle escort. Gen. view crowd. Semi view priests seated. CU nun-type. CU Priest-type. Var. scenes of royal car & crowd cheering. Semi view & var. scenes of kids cheering. Gen. view crowd in Molson Park Stadium. Gen. view party walk to Memorial stone pan up to Royal Standard.... on Mount Royal. Long view Unveiling Memorial.. Queen steps forward to look at inscription. CU Inscription.. “Commemorating Royal “. Long view King & Queen looking over city from Mount Royal. Gen. view car arrives at Windsor Station. CU cro
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