What Did The U.S. Know Ahead of Moscow Terrorist Attack Claimed by ISIS-K? w/ Mark Sleboda

Nearly 140 people were murdered in a horrific terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall in the Moscow region last week, with the Biden Admin immediately claiming Ukraine wasn’t responsible, and that it must have been the elusive group ISIS-K... International Relations and Security Analyst Mark Sleboda noted that ISIS-K has a history of being accused of being a CIA shell group, as it fights the same groups the U.S. is fighting—but never the U.S.—and therefore, the Russian government views ISIS-K as a “fig leaf of plausible deniability“ in this attack. In his latest comments, Russian President Putin said they know the attack was carried out by radical Islamists, but now they want to know who orchestrated it, saying, “We know who carried out the attack. We want to know who ordered it.”
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