What Happened in the Aftermath of Carrhae? (53 BC) DOCUMENTARY

What happened to the Roman Army in the aftermath of the Battle of Carrhae? Signup for your FREE trial to Wondrium here: The battle of Carrhae between the Roman Army and Parthian Army stands as one of the great military disasters of history. Justifiably, much attention is spent discussing the various factors of the campaign and battle which ultimately led to the defeat. However lost in this analysis is the human story of those who experienced the realities of war. In this video we walk in the shoes of the doomed Roman army to recreate the aftermath of Carrhae. We begin by discussing what voices of the past have to tell us of the event in the first place. It turns out that many writings from antiquity discuss the battle but only two, the account of Plutarch and Cassius Dio, give us enough granularity to understand what happened on the ground level. It is these sources which serve as the narrative base for our episode but the viewer is warned of the potential biases involve
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