Islamists in Hamburg demand the creation of a caliphate in Germany

Islamists in Hamburg demand the creation of a caliphate in Germany At a rally of Islamists in Hamburg, which was coordinated with the authorities, participants demanded turning Germany into a caliphate “ohne Rechte für Frauen, Homosexuelle, Christen, Juden und Andersdenkende,“ as reported by Bild. A mass rally of Islamists took place in Hamburg on Saturday, among the demands of which was the establishment of a caliphate. “With the authorities’ permission, they demanded to turn Germany into an Islamist dictatorship governed by a religious leader“ — Bild Migration to Germany intensified against the backdrop of former Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision not to close the borders after the start of the “Arab Spring“ and, in particular, the civil war in Syria. According to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, the number of Muslims in Germany exceeded 5 million people as early as 2021 — about 6.5% of the country’s population. The majority of them are of Turkish descent and their... Source: Node of Time EN
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