Is Allah More Zionist Than The Zionists? Israel in Quran and the Bible #Israel

Is Allah More Zionist Than The Zionists? Israel in Quran and the Bible. We are Against the war any war, Hamas war in Gaza is Terrorist . And we are not Happy of Israel killing all those people. “O Children of Israel! Remember ˹all˺ the favours I granted you and how I honoured you above the others.” sura Al-Baqarah 2: 47; we see in this verse Allah Honored Children of Israel. Let’s continue Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, did not mention Palestine even once because in his midst it did not exist. But Israel is mentioned more than 40 times. This is why Israel prevails in the Quran. Palestine disappeared. The author of the Quran did not expect what would happen after 14 centuries and how the conflict over Palestine would be so intense. Therefore, he did not care about the topic. He did not even say that Palestine is a right for Muslims that God promised them. Rather, he said that God bequeathed the land to the Jews. He said to the Jews, “O my people! Enter the Holy Land which Al
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