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Quads 🆚 Hip Flexors
Have you tried this stretch? Comment bellow👇🏽
If there is an stretch I can think of that 99% of people need, is the couch stretch (it goes by other names too). With all the sitting we do, hip flexors tend to get tight, and this stretch is a fantastic way to open them.
That said, there will be a difference in the way we perform this stretch. Let’s go through some “simple” anatomy to understand this better:
🎯 Quads — the quadriceps, as the name implies, consist of 4 muscles: rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius. ALL 4 of them crosses the knee joint, and they all perform knee extension. To stretch them, we simply flex the knee as much as we can.
✅ Leaning back in the couch stretch does this.
🎯 Hip Flexors — many muscles assist in hip flexion, including one of the Quads muscles: rectus femoris. However, the main hip flexor and the one I refer in this post is called “the Iliopsoas”. To stretch it we simply do the opposite which is hip extension.
✅ Leaning forward in the couch stretch does this.
📝 Additional notes…
➤ To better stretch the Iliopsoas, keep a posterior pelvic tilt as you lean forward.
➤ To further stretch the rectus femoris (which does both, knee extension and hip flexion), we can combined both stretches (not shown). Simply keep a hold of the back foot and lean forward. This one is intense.
➤ You can choose either or depending on your limitations, but I’ve found most people are tight in both, the quads and hip flexors. I enjoy doing both of them in the same set.
➤ Reps and Sets can be quite simple: lean back (quads) and hold for 30-60sec. Lean forward (hip flexors) and hold for 30-60sec. Do both sides. Repeat for 3-5 rounds.
That’s it :) as always, questions bellow!
I appreciate you being here.
Keep moving
Keep improving
Keep experiencing
With love,
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