Duchess of Cambridge visits Farms for City Children

(3 May 2017) THE DUCHESS OF CAMBRIDGE VISITS FARMS FOR CITY CHILDREN The Duchess of Cambridge has joined a group of schoolchildren down on the farm in Arlingham, Gloucestershire, south-west England. She visited Farms for City Children, Wednesday (3 MAY 2017) to see the charity’s work giving young people from inner cities the chance to spend a week on a real working farm. Her Royal Highness was taken on a tour of the farm, and mucked in, helping feed pigs, cleaning out chicken coops and planting scallions. She also met children’s author Michael Morpurgo and his wife Clare, who set up the organization in 1976. Morpurgo - author of “War Horse“ - led a story-time session for the children, from Vauxhall in London. Farms for City Children now has three working farms, and welcomes around 3,200 children a year. Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook:
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