DEATH IN PARADISE Spin-off BEYOND PARADISE with Kriss Marshall & Sally Bretton Set for 2023 Release

BEYOND PARADISE: BBC unveiled Death of Paradise spin-off series! Titled Beyond Paradise, the new series will follow DI Humphrey Goodman after he left the sunny shores of Saint Marie. This means that beloved Kris Marshall is returning to the expanding Death of Paradise universe to reprise his role after he left six years ago at the end of Series 6. Sally Bretton, who played Martha, is also coming back as the lead! As you remember, Humphrey got his happy ending with Martha in the Series 6 finale, and Beyond Paradise will continue their love story after they left the island and settled in rural Britain, in Martha’s hometown, and will also have plenty of murder mysteries to solve. 49-year old Kris Marshall is very excited to be back: “Working with Sally is a dream, and I can’t wait to continue Humphrey and Martha’s story,” he said in a recent interview. Filming of Beyond Paradise Series 1, which will have 6 one-hour episodes, is set to start this fall on location in the UK, with an early 2023 preliminary
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