Factorio Angel & Bob Megabase Timelapse

Two monthes since my first timelapse video and most of it has been spent building this behemoth. 400 hours, so many evenings where I forgot to eat, so many nights spent wondering about stuff like sodium cobaltate or lithium perchlorate, a fair few moments of pure luck to fit everything together and a few other moments of just pure butchered engineering, and here it is. I am beaten. Might be a while until my next timelapse but pyanodon is calling my name. In the meantime anything you would like explained just leave a comment in the box below. Enjoy Full Mod List: Bluebuild FasterStart Fill4Me Flow Control OreErasor TLBE Waterfill aai-vehicles-miner Angelsaddons-cab Angelsaddons-mobility Angelsaddons-storage Angelsbioprocessing Angelsexploration Angelsindustries Angelsinfiniteores Angelspetrochem Angelsrefining Angelsssmelting Bobassembly Bobclasses Bobelectronics Bobequipment Bobgreenhouse Bobinserters Boblibrary Boclocale Boblogistics Bobmining Bobmodules Bobores Bobplates Bobpower Bobrevamp Bobsflowcont
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