Thousands join protests in Jordan, Egypt and Japan in support of Palestinians in Gaza Strip

(18 Oct 2023) RESTRICTION SUMMARY: ASSOCIATED PRESS Amman, Jordan - 18 October 2023 1. Pan left of protesters scuffling with security forces who tried to prevent them from marching toward Israeli embassy 2. Wide of protesters breaching security barrier and marching toward embassy 3. Wide of protesters marching and chanting slogans 4. Various of protesters scuffling with security forces 5. Tracking of police carrying injured protester 6. Wide of protesters scuffling with security forces 7. Wide of injured protester on ground 8. Wide of anti-Biden and anti-Netanyahu placard, reading: (English/Arabic): “Partner in Crime.” 9. Mid of placard reading (Arabic): “No dignity with the embassy (Israeli).” 10. Wide of protesters chanting slogans 11. Mid of placard reading (Arabic): “We die and live Palestine.” 12. Wide of girl holding Palestinian flag 13. SOUNDBITE (Arabic), Rania al-Nimr, political activist: “(US President Joe) Biden announced tod
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