0:01 Phuture - Acid Tracks,
0:06 BIFFGUYZ - Я тебя бум-бум-бум,
0:14 Aphex Twin - Rubber Johnny music video,
0:15 Aphex twin - come to daddy,
0:31 Nero -- Me and You (Dirtyphonics Remix),
0:34 Epic sax guy,
0:36 legend of zelda - lost woods,
0:40 Пахом - жизнь веселый карнавал,
0:45 Bob Marley - Positive Vibration,
1:03 Sir Mix a Lot - Baby Got Back,
1:06 Concord Dawn - Morning Light,
1:35 Skrillex -- Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites,
2:06 Within Temptation - Forgiven