Queen & Duke Leave Persia And Arrive Home At London Airport (1961)
Teheran & London Airport.
Two static MSs of minarets and domes of the Masjide Shah Mosque in Esfahan. Aerial view mountain range (possibly Himalayas). LS Queen and Duke accompanied by Shah and Queen of Persia, as they move along line of dignitaries saying goodbye (the Duke in uniform). LS as Queen and Duke take their leave of people at at bottom of aircraft steps. MS Queen and Duke shaking hands with Shah and Queen of Persia. MS as Queen and Duke mount aircraft steps, turn and wave, then enter aircraft. MS Shah and Queen of Persia walking across tarmac. MSs Cameramen and VIPs on tarmac. LS the BOAC Britannia aircraft on tarmac. MS the Shah and Queen of Persia waving. LS the Britannia taxiing for take-off (right to left of screen). LS people standing about on tarmac. LS Britannia taxiing (left to right of screen). LS Britannia as it leaves the ground (left to right of screen). Big CUs people waving. GV at night, London airport. LS as the Britannia taxis in at London airport at night. MS as
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