The Vulnerable Narcissistic Wife

In this video Darren Magee discusses the characteristics and traits in vulnerable (covert) narcissism, and what to expect if in a relationship with a covert / vulnerable narcissistic wife. Different from a grandiose narcissist, a lot of the abuse comes through neglect and invalidation as opposed to anything actually done to cause distress. Behaviours/characteristics include narcissistic abuse through emotional neglect 1 Constant state of unfulfilment , strain and disappointment 2 Constantly disagreeable 3 Husband is always wrong / always sides with others against him 4 Fantasies over other partners / compares husband unfavourably with ex 5 Lack of empathy / thoughtlessness / lack of insight 6 Hyper sensitive to criticism / behaves as if crushed 7 No interest, wants nothing to do husband - doesn’t want anyone else to have anything to do with him either 8 Constant sabotage / every solution has a problem 9 Overly empathetic / sympathetic to others - not to husband 10 Toxic amnesia - no learning or growing - elusive defensive tactics Punishes husband for others’ (usually narcissistic parents) abuse of her. Other tactics include gaslighting and blame shifting Please consider supporting me on Patreon #Vulnerablenarcissist #Covertnarcissist #narcissisticwife
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