Спокойная жизнь в небольшой нормандской деревушке

Having Alexia taught me the biggest lesson in life. That the days of playing are over only because we’ve chosen them to be over. She taught us to enjoy life more. So we can continue to play, continue to smile more than we frown, continue to treat the world like the playground it is. BLOGPOST: I license my music on Artlist & Epidemic Sound! Click the link below to get extra months free :) (2 months free) (1 month free) ========== SUPPORT ME SO I CAN CREATE MORE QUALITY CONTENT / ỦNG HỘ MÌNH LÀM TIẾP NHỮNG NỘI DUNG NHƯ NÀY: PHOTO EDITING PRESETS FOR LIGHTROOM / PRESETS CHỈNH ẢNH: BUYING PRINTS / MUA ẢNH IN MÌNH CHỤP: ht
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