Chakra Meditation, Balancing & Healing : Unblock All 7 Chakra, Deep Sleep Positive Energy Music

Chakra Meditation, Balancing & Healing : Unblock All 7 Chakra, Deep Sleep Positive Energy Music Experience profound Chakra Meditation for deep healing and balance. Unblock all 7 Chakras with soothing music, promoting deep sleep and positive energy. Elevate your spiritual journey today! 🌟 #ChakraMeditation #EnergyHealing #DeepSleepMusic #SpiritualBalance #positiveenergy Base Frequency : 222HZ Binaural Beats : 2HZ ( Delta ) Subscribe Us: @7ChakraSymphony All images are used in strict compliance with the appropriate permissions and licenses required from in accordance with the YouTube Partner Program, Community guidelines & YouTube terms of service. This Sound Therapy is intended as adjunctive care; please consult your doctor for any alleged health concerns. (c) ℗ 7 Chakra Symphony - #chakra #chakras #meditation #music
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