Срочно! Игорь Стрелков по результатам #Shorts

Игорь Стрелков о возможности войны между РФ и т.н. Украиной в апреле 2021 года. О роли США в этой войне и что лучше для России и Русского народа. Запись на странице Игоря Стрелкова в социальной сети Вконтакте - Urgently! Igor Strelkov according to the results of the day 04/04/2021 Igor Strelkov about the possibility of war between Russia and the so-called Ukraine in April 2021. About the role of the United States in this war and what is better for Russia and the Russian people. Post on the page of Igor Strelkov in the social network Vkontakte 1. The war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine is inevitable, but right now (in April) it is only very likely; 2. For Russia and the Russian People, war “now“ is preferable to war later; 3. Right NOW the US will not fight for Ukraine with a 99% probability.
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