The 3 Evils of Modern Food with Daniel Trevor

There are 3 things in the modern diet that are killing people very slowly, leading to chronic diseases that never had to happen. We talk about each of these 3 things in your diet and what you can do to remove them and live a healthier life. Daniel Trevor is a citizen scientist and serial entrepreneur who has created several start-up businesses from scratch, including a high-tech CTI (computer-telephony integration) company that eventually grew to over 300 employees and 2,000 independent contractors. Being familiar with analyzing technical data throughout his life, he was comfortable in taking a dive into the medical and nutritional science in order to reverse his cardiovascular disease after a surprising heart attack. Surprising, because he thought he was “Mr. Healthy.” He used his scientific medical research he writes about in this How-To book to completely turn around his condition and get into the best shape of his life. UNHOLY TRINITY book:
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