And so, I’ve finished yet another musical masterpiece.
This took long since my motivation was on and off. But this is just another story that won’t be put on screen and only gets a few drawings or sketches.
If you want to know the story, here it is:
You should know that this is just like Electrive Detective. It’s not reall. The robot masters play in a movie. This is another one of those. But in this unniverse, robots replace humans. And with that, I mean that instead of humans being the dominant species, robots are. I had to make that change for a specifis reason.
But anyway, Elecman is a sheriff who is much beloved by everyone in his little town that is growing bigger and stronger everyday. He found the little spot in the wild west since when he was young, his old town was destroyed by indians since the cowboys had a war with them.
One day, new arrivals who traveled far to find a new home arrived in his town. Alisa is one of them. Soon, he introduces his town and the people who live there. But Elecman is mostly known for working hard, denying any need of assistence. You can say he pretty much works himself to sleep.
But after three days of getting to know each other, a rogue walks into the town named: Quickman. Very little is known about him, but his desire is to take over the town and be the sheriff himself. He challanges Elecman to battle 2 miles away from the town so he won’t wreck it with his attacks.
But it all turned out to be a trap since our lightning shooting sheriff looses the battle against Quickman. His plan was to throw him into the wild river nearby. Elecman was still concious, but dragged away by the powerfull stream; Away from his home.
Minutes later, he manages to pull himself to safety. But now, he has to go the long and hard way going back. He also needs to find oil since his body works just like a human. Though robots in this universe don’t eat, they do need oil in order to function.
Elec is forced not to use his electricity powers since it will drain his power and has to deal with all the dangers in the wild west. Meanwhile the town is getting fed up with Quickman, but they can’t do anything since he’s a very smart and deadly robot. When more rogues arrive, he takes care of them without breaking a sweat. Then he makes them slaves to serve the town.
When Elecman reaches the limit of his endurance, he is rescued by a lone indian leader who lost his entire tribe and family by cowboys. Infact, his tribe were the ones attacking ELecmans; town in the past. He realizes that every bad guy is just a confused and broken soul looking for happyness.
Before he continues on his journey, Tamohawkman teaches him the ways of the land and teaches him wisdom. Elecman knows he has to find the train which brings supplies to his town. Finally, he arrives and the epic battle takes place. Cue this awesome soundtrack. c:
But when Elec gices the final blow, Quickman is hurt but not dead. Before he could leave, he asks him to change for the batter since he is just a confused and hurt soul. Asking him to be the co-leader and use his powers for good.
He knows not to mess with Elec since he is no match. And with that, the town grows stronger and bigger as the years pass.
Programs used: Sony vegas, photoshop and Sibelius.
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