Steve Goodman / Kode9 · Audio Virology (On-Line Lecture)

15 APR · 18H30 Steve Goodman / Kode9: Audio Virology Moderator · Diogo Tudela ▶ Open Programme 2021 Art / Thought / Sound: Knowing through Sound ▶ In the context of the current global pandemic, it is an opportune moment to examine theories and sonic fictions that I have loosely termed audio virologies. One key source of the concept of a cultural virus derives from the idea of the meme, the cultural equivalent of the gene, a basic unit of culture. Converging as it has with social media, the concept has become fixated on virulent (moving) image/text combinations. But is there an auditory equivalent? From evolutionary genetics and modelling applied to generative music, AI driven data sonification of protein structures, psychologies of earworms through to sonic fictions of electronic music and science fiction, we will question the neo-Darwinian underpinning of memetics and attempt to go beyond a merely metap
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