Sewerslvt - all the joy In life was gone once you left

The last time I saw you, you had left the hotel room, I said “please be safe“ & you replied “I will“ Then I watched you walk down the street from the window looking down at your phone. the second you left, I felt an immense dread I felt thinking if this was our final goodbye. Something I would always dread. I never wanted to let you go. Or the times I had to catch my flight back home, & leave Sydney & Melbourne after spending the week with you,. Knowing I had to come back to my personal hell, away from you, worrying sick whether you’ll be safe, whether I would be able to do something, anything at all if you ever needed me. & on each of those departures, we never got to have one last long hug, one final kiss, & the last chance to say “I love you“
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