FCE (B2 First) Speaking Exam Part Four - Cambridge FCE Speaking Test Advice

Learn about part four of the Cambridge FCE speaking exam and how to improve your score in this lesson. We’ll look at what to expect in this part of the test, what the examiners want to see, sample questions and answers and how to improve your score. Prepare for the FCE exam with a certified English teacher from OOE: Have you taken the exam? Let us know your thoughts in the comments! See the full lesson (which includes the text and a quiz to check your understanding) here: Contents: 1. What to expect in part four of the FCE speaking exam 0:23 2. How to answer open questions 1:19 3. Sample questions and answers 4:51 4. Final review 7:48 In part three of the FCE speaking test, you’ll be asked open questions which you discuss with your partner. Like part three of the FCE speaking test, you need to communicate mostly with your partner, not with the examiner. This is difficult for many FCE candidates, so in this video we
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