Shaolin Staff Basics 2 | One Handed Figure 8 | 少林棍

少林棍 Shaolin Staff Basics 2 One Handed Figure 8 Our past staff basics videos had such a great reception we had to sit down and start producing more staff basics videos. I know a lot of you really like staff spinning videos so we thought we would start with a simple one handed spinning technique. As the videos progress they will be getting gradually harder. Next up will be some basic strikes and we will work our way all the way up to throws, no handed techniques, even monkey staff balances. Thank you for watching and keep training hard! Technique 1- Inverted Single Handed Figure 8 Technique 2- Single Handed Figure 8 Technique 3- Single Handed Figure 8 360 turn Please be mindful of your skill level, ability, and the danger of weapon training. Learning martial arts from a youtube video has real risks, you should use this video as a reference guide only. Anything you follow in this video should be under the supervision of a certified instructor who
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