Brussel / Bruxelles / Brussels 1929

Bruxelles à la fin des années 1920, ses boulevards, sa circulation, ses tramways, ses marchés à l’époque des flappers. On voit ses monuments, la famille royale, une céremonie dans la Place des Martyrs, le va-et-vient de la ville et du port. / Brussels in the late 1920’s -- boulevards you can stroll across, stopping for a word with the policeman in the middle of the junction; trams, quite a few cars, and still the odd horse-drawn vehicle; monuments, parks, and a packed outdoor market: a glimpse of a big city in (great-)grandfather’s time. Above all, important symbols: the parliament building and the tomb of the Unknown Belgian Soldier. The Royal Family appear, along with monuments to their ancestors, mediaeval fortifications and churches, and the bustle of the docks. This is a complete version of the film previously shown here in extract form, when It achieved over 5000 views.
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