Arrivals In Westminster Abbey - May Wedding (1960)

Unissued / unused material. Colour item. May wedding of Princess Margaret and Anthony-Armstrong Jones - arrivals in Westminster Abbey, London. LS Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Mother and Prince Charles (wearing kilt) with other guests walking up aisle and taking place for service. Church dignitaries and Archbishop of Canterbury walk up to altar. Pan to show congregation and Archbishop of Canterbury walking up aisle. Choir walking up aisle. Bride and groom - Princess Margaret and Armstrong-Jones walking up aisle. Queen, Queen Mother and Princess Charles walk to their seats, followed by Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip), Duchess of Gloucester and other members of the Royal family. Church dignitaries make their way up aisle. MS Minister of Transport Ernest Marples and other guests seated in Abbey. Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, Indian Prime Minister Pandit Nehru and statesman from New Zealand, Robert Menzies (?) sitting in pews. Princess Margaret and Armstrong-Jones at the altar w
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