May Day In Moscow (1961)

Unissued / Unused material - Moscow, Russia, Soviet Union, USSR. LS from balloon, pan down to huge crowds marching through Red Square holding streamers which are attached to the balloon. LS Pan along Soviet ministers on mausoleum, including Yuri Gagarin and President Leonid Brezhnev. Various good shots as the parade is opened by sportsmen marching along. CU People applauding. LS Women marching along in parade. CU Nikita Khrushev and Yuri Gagarin waving to crowds. LS as a model space ship named USSR Vostok, is released and it floats upwards. MS as Khruschev and Gagarin watch the model space ship. Various shots as another space ship arrives in the Square, comes to a halt and children carrying bouquets of flowers alight and run up to mausoleum and present the flowers to ministers, Khruschev and Gagarin. High angle GV of Red Square showing parade. Very good CUs of Russian men, women and children as they pass camera waving to ministers on the mausoleum. MS Gagarin and Brezhnev waving to the crowds. Good shot
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