San Franciscos Drug-Plagued Streets - RT Documentary

‘No yelling while selling drugs. Kids are trying to sleep around here,’ and ‘One industry is still booming in San Francisco, Fentanyl.’ These posters appeared on San Francisco’s drug-plagued streets. The slogans are sarcastic but this way, local activists try to draw the people’s attention to the issue, highlight the authorities’ inaction and raise awareness about the deadly narcotic. Fentanyl, which is about 50 times stronger than heroin, has become overly popular in San Francisco. The drug crisis is ruining the city with more than 40% spike in overdose deaths from January to March in 2023. Posters are good, but many Americans opine that the issue should be addressed on a governmental level. Yet, too little or almost nothing has been done. #HumanStories@rt__documentary
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