Francis Boyle: We Are in a War Against the Scientific Elite, This is WWIII @ Geopolitics & Empire ( June 3, 2022 )

Francis Boyle: We Are in a War Against the Scientific Elite, This is WWIII @ Geopolitics & Empire ( June 3, 2022 ) “ Francis Boyle discusses how the U.S. and China collaborated on the development of the COVID-19 gain-of-function bioweapon. The elites in both Beijing and Washington have more in common with each other than with their own people due to their totalitarian mentality. The mandates are a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code and constitute a crime against humanity (e.g. murder, extermination, inhumane acts committed against civilians). Governments are persecuting their own citizens just like the Nazi government persecuted German Jews. We are seeing a Nazi mentality at work by all governments enforcing these frankenshots, the Nazi philosophy of “useless eaters” and depopulation. It is impossible to create a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 if it is a bioweapon. The biowarfare simulations are war games that go live and monkeypox is another bioweapon released just as voting is underway to give WHO totalitarian powers and set up a global medical police state and tyranny. In his book he argues principles of international law that can be used internationally to try and stop this. We are seeing a war against humanity by the scientific elite, this is World War III. “ ( backup )
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