Mercedes Nieto & Nymph Oriental Dance Company: Oriental Dance to an Oum Kalthoum song

Performance from the “Hazihi Leyleti“ gala show, the annual student show of the “Nimfeum“ bellydance school of Mercedes Nieto in Budapest, Hungary, 2016. / a Nimfa Orientális Társulat tánca Nieto Mercedes hastánciskolájának, a “Nimfeum“-nak éves galaelőadásán. Choreography: Mercedes Nieto Dancers: Alexandra Varga, Anita Makacs, Gyongyi Stuber, Orsolya Hegedus, Timea Felegyi, Viktoria Kis, Vivien Ifka, Zsofia Geda and Mercedes Nieto Music: Hazihi Leyleti, originally sung by Oum Kalthoum, this new version
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