David Tua: TuaMan - Destiny in my Hands (2000) - YouTube

David Tua - TuaMan Destiny in my Hands. One of the most watched progammes on New Zealand television, Steven Orsbourn and Davis Crerar spent the three months leading up to the title fight against Lennox Lewis living and filming in the Tua camp... this documentary shows tells the story up to the final week in Las Vegas before the fight. Steven Orsbourn: Tua waiting for the hook - reproduced from The news that David Tua was again climbing into the heavyweight ring gave me an immediate flashback to Las Vegas in 2000 and the three months that I spent living with David in his boxing camp before the Lennox Lewis title fight. I always kept my Tuaman T-shirts that asked me to “Keep the Faith“ in a bottom drawer, never throwing them out in case I was asked once again to believe. I’m asking myself now, has that time come? It’s been nine years since the most-viewed sporting event in New Zealand television history; nine years of watching Kevin Bar
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