The Trump Time Travel Miracle

The Rapture Event is a Divine Time Travel Operation to a New Beginning Timeline for the bulk of Humanity. Tesla’s Tech is playing a role, as are Angelic Stargates, and of course, the Hand of GOD. This release is a complete rework of the popular Trump Time Travel series. Updated information and confirmations, images, and music. NOTE: If you are Human, you are of the Adamic Bloodline. Links referenced within this video: Part 1 John Titor on Time Travel Part 2 Vignettes of Early Radiation Workers Part 3 The Tesla / New Yorker Hotel Theory Space-Time Cowboy Report (last half with Juan) Part 4 The Last Trump Technology Playlist Part 6 BACKground to the FUTURE Watch Sun Simulators in action: Part 7 Q President Trump holds ’MAGA’ rally | Erie, PA -- October 10, 2018 Kerry Cassidy interviews Preston Nichols RELATED VIDEOS: Who was John Titor, and could he be connected to the Plan to Save the World?
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