WWE 12 CAW League - TDWF | Roster Countdown #6 Michael Mendoza | XBOX 360 |

Next up we have Michael Mendoza. Michael Mendoza is the leader of Straight Killa Foundation, other wise known simply as SKF. He is married to Jessica Mendoza. He has been in wrestling since the early 2000’s. He made his debut in EWA in 2009, went on to win the EWA championship. EWA was bought by TDW, now it has changed to TDWF where Michael Mendoza still continues to wrestle. He faced Xavier at Champion’s Triumph and had his chance to win the TDWF championship, but he was betrayed and attacked by DJ, causing him to lose the match. Will Michael Mendoza get his vengeance this year? Can Mendoza be back on top like he used to be? FIND OUT SOON WHEN TDWF BEGINS!
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