YOU WORRY ME【Grey Wing & Clear Sky || PMV】

Like my work? Consider supporting me on Patreon! YOU WORRY ME focuses on the relationship between Grey Wing and Clear Sky and the concern Grey Wing begins to feel when his brother begins to shut down and steer himself away from those he loves. This PMV is based on the events that happen in books 1-3 in the Dawn of the Clans arc. Oh my god this is FINALLY done... I still can’t believe it. It still doesn’t feel real to me... I thought of this idea in March 2018 and scripted it in April. I remember sketching bits and pieces of it during the summer and finally being able to work on some of the finalized drawings around late October and early November. It’s crazy to think that after all this time this project is finally done, and aside from a few shots/frames, I’m honestly super proud of it! I really hope you guys like it too!! I got pretty experimental with the art style in this. It’s styled way differently than my last PM
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