Which translation of Homer’s Iliad is the best? Guide to the best & worst editions + recommendations

Translations of Homer’s Iliad: 0:00 Introduction Overview Verse Translation’s of Homers Iliad: 3:02 George Chapman Translation 1611-1615 Available by the #WordsworthClassics 3:48 Alexander Pope Translation 1715-1720 Available by #CollinsClassics 5:15 Richmond Lattimore translation 1951 Available by #UniversityofChicagoPress 5:44 Robert Fitzgerald translation 1974 Available by #OxfordUniversityPress and #EverymanLibrary edition 6:28 Robert Fagles translation 1990 Available by #PenguinPublishers 7:23 Stephen Mitchell translation 2011 Atria Books 8:18 Barry B. Powell translation 2013 Published by Oxford University Press 8:50 Caroline Alexander translation 2015 Published by #VintageClassics 9:17 Peter Green translation 2018 #UniversityofCaliforniaPress 10:21 Prose translations Homer’s Iliad: 10:25 Samuel Butler translation 1898 Available by #BarnesandNobles and #ArcturusPublisher&#
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